Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Obama Is Deemed 'Unqualified' By Americans

Is Obama ready for president? Many Americans asked that question every day. Why? One is probably because of his age, and personally for the second one I think because of his race. On the NRO “the campaign spot” one blogger mentions that one of our past presidents was in somewhat the same position as Obama in being deemed Unqualified. Ronald Reagan was being portrayed as this Hollywood star. The polls listed that about half of the Americans don’t think Obama is ready to be president; But Obama isn’t the first to be deemed like this. Michael Dukakis is number one after doing poorly on two debates.

I believe this blog creates a great argument about, if Obama is actually ready. Well I’m kind of half and half. I think he would do good, but on the other half I think the inexperience part will come in and he most likely get stuck. But everybody gets stuck and messes up time to time. I mean come on we’re humans. But I also think that the Americans voting on these polls are just voting he’s not ready just because of his skin color. Now I believe that if he was white everybody would probably be voting for him and not against him. But that’s just my opinion.

The authors intended Audience is to the voters. He really didn’t have an argument but he set up his editorial to have an argument about the topic he was talking about. The polls came from the Washington post which is an ok polling place.

But overall I think this is a great way to debate about a president’s age and history. But I also I think we all need to look past religion and skin color.

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