Thursday, October 2, 2008

Bailout Handouts

Well I found an editorial called Bailout Handouts. When bush first introduced the bailout it got denied by congress by a few votes. But then the bill was rewritten and some perks were added along with it. With the new bill some of the perks are just senseless. For example there putting "elimination on excise taxes on wooden arrows for children." I mean that’s just crazy. On some of the comments with this article one person said “Not to pass the Senate version is to wait for a perfect bill while we're watching lifetime savings vanish.” With this, it’s not hurting just banks but hurting the people. Some of the citizens of the U.S. could be in danger in losing their retirement and etc., as one person stated. But this editorial shows a great way to argue about this bill with the facts he’s providing. While also reading more comments it seems that there are a lot of angry citizens, that aren’t too happy about this bill. Also no matter the Treasury Department will buy some of the distressed assets. The author also believes that “lawmakers should be voting with or without handouts.”

I actually agree with what he’s saying. I believe that the government should help them a little bit but I don’t think they should buy every bad asset. I believe they should just sell that mortgage at a low price and just take what you get. But I also like some of the new perks but not all. His intended audience would be everybody.

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